Since the Understanding Solar Training Program was introduced, it was met with an overwhelming positive response and the sessions was very quickly booked up. The trainer is a qualified electrician and understands the challenges electricians face. As successful as the training sessions was, the drawback was that the participant could not always attend the scheduled training sessions and then must wait months for another session to become available. Another drawback is that the electrical contractor must sacrifice two full days and although the training provides great value for money, there were discussions to change the format of the training to accommodate the needs of the electrical contractor.

Then Covid-19 hit, and all training sessions was halted. This caused a lot of frustration as there still was a great demand to electrical contractors to acquire this vital knowledge. Webinars was tried to satisfy this need but there were just too many drawback in presenting a course of this nature in a webinar.

While facing the challenges of that Covid-19 enforced on us and satisfying the need for electrical contractors to be gain this vital knowledge, the Online Understanding Solar Training was born.

Any Electrical Contractor, Apprentice or Technical advisor can now learn how a back-up system and a solar system works in their own time.

The full training program has been split into “Bite Size” modules to avoid monotony and can be paused at any time. Each module consists of an explanatory video, followed by a short assessment. Once the assessment has been passed, you will be capable to proceed to the next module. Once all the modules are completed you will have a clear basic understanding on:

  • The inner workings of a battery
  • All the relevant battery terminology
  • The different types of batteries
  • How the different types of batteries work
  • Why batteries fail
  • How to connect batteries correctly
  • How does a battery charger works
  • How an inverter works
  • The different types of inverters
  • How to connect the inverter correctly to the DB
  • How to design a back-up system for a client
  • How a solar panel work
  • The different types of solar panels
  • How a charge controller works
  • The different types of charge controllers
  • Different types of solar inverters
  • How to design a solar system

You will also be given the formulas for:

  • Calculating the number of batteries to run a load
  • Calculating the correct size battery fuse
  • Calculating the correct size battery cable
  • Calculating the correct size battery charger
  • Calculating the correct size back-up system for your client’s specific needs
  • Calculating the number of solar panels to charge the batteries properly
  • Calculating the correct size charge controller
  • Calculating the correct size solar system for your client’s individual needs

This information will enable you as an electrical contractor to confidently advise your clients on their residential back-up and solar needs and accurately quote and install a functioning solar or back-up system.

How does it work?

Understanding Solar comprises of 50 modules. Each module consists of a short lesson video flowed by an assessment. The assessments are multiple choice questionaries and will assess your understanding of the lesson. Each module follows on from the previous module and it is essential that all modules are completed. Once all the modules are completed you will electronically receive a completion certificate as well as all the theoretical knowledge on Understanding Solar.    


